Apprentice Electrician

What does being an electrician look like?

When you step into your apprenticeship, you will tackle high-voltage electrical systems across a spectrum of cutting-edge equipment. Digging deep into the thrill of diagnosing and repairing these systems, conducting routine maintenance inspections, and revamping electric wheel motors and alternators as the need arises. Get ready to replace major components like engines, alternators, capacitors, wheel motors, and electric cables with precision. Plus, seize the opportunity to delve into the world of Hybrid technology.

Career Pathway

Certificate III in Electrotechnology – Electrician

Day in the life with William

What is great about working as an apprentice?

Learning lots of new challenging things; working through something you don’t understand until you understand it is awesome. I also like working in a new, exciting place and meeting lots of new people, as well as working around all sorts of large complex machinery.

What is involved in the apprenticeship?

Showing up top work and logging all of your relevant hours the E-Profiling. We also attend a two week block release of TAFE. On site we are carrying out maintenance tasks (breakdowns, planned work etc.) and cleaning workshops and cards. We also have to fill out SAP notifications and preparing parts for jobs.

My standard schedule

  • 4am: Wake up

    4:30am: Head to the airport

    6:15am: Fly to site.

    8am: Arrive at the airport

    8:15am: Bus to site

    8:30am: Arrive at camp, collect boots and pack lunch

    9:15am: Bus to site

    9:30am: Arrive at site and collect gear, check emails and have morning tea

    10:30am: Return to work meeting

    11am: Handover with B

    11:30am: Lunch

    12pm: Begin work

    6pm: Complete work for the day

    6pm: Get bus to camp and check into room

    7pm: Dinner

    7:20pm: Gym/relax/do washing

    8:45pm: Lights out

  • 6am: Wake up

    6:30am: Breakfast

    7am: Head to TAFE

    7:20am: Meet everyone at cafe for coffee and catchup

    8am: Classes start (theory)

    9:45am: Morning tea

    10am: Resume classes (practical)

    12pm: Lunch

    12:30pm: Resume classes (theory and/or practical)

    4pm: Classes completed and head home

  • 4:30am: Wake up

    4:50am: Breakfast + crib (pack lunch for the day)

    5:10am: Get on bus to go to site

    5:30am: Handover with nightshift

    5:50am: Pre-start meeting

    6:20am: First block of work

    9am: Morning tea

    9:15am: Second block of work

    12pm: Lunch

    12:30pm: Third block of work

    3pm: Afternoon tea

    3:15pm: Fourth block of work

    5:30pm: Handover

    6pm: Complete work for the day and head back to camp

    6:15pm: Get ready for dinner and pack lunch for tomorrow.

    6:45pm: Dinner

    7:15pm: Gym/relax/do washing

    8:45pm: Lights out

  • 4am: Wake up

    4:50am: Check out of room and drop off keys + have breakfast

    5:10am: Get on bus to go to site

    5:30am: Handover with nightshift

    5:50am: Pre-start meeting

    6:20am: First block of work

    9am: Morning tea

    9:15am: Second block of work

    11am: Handover with incoming shift

    12pm: Lunch

    12:30pm: Training and development

    2:30pm: Bus back to shower block

    2:45pm: Store gear in lockers and get ready to fly out

    3:45pm: Bus to airport

    5:10pm: Fly home to Perth

    7pm: Land in Perth